Students Presented at ACS National Meeting

Hampton Group students Matthew Gira and Willie Washington attended the American Chemical Society’s Spring National Meeting in Dallas, TX from March 16 to 19 along with Jennifer Hampton.

Matt presented a poster on his current research. Willie, an external REU student from Park University, presented a poster on his research from the summer of 2013. Jennifer Hampton also presented a talk on the group’s research.

Wille Washington and Matt Gira at the 2014 ACS Spring National Meeting

Wille Washington and Matt Gira at the 2014 ACS Spring National Meeting

Matt Gira, Jon Yarranton, Jennifer Hampton, and Willie Washington at a Hampton Group Dinner while at the 2014 ACS Spring National Meeting.

Matt Gira, Jon Yarranton, Jennifer Hampton, and Willie Washington at a Hampton Group Dinner while at the 2014 ACS Spring National Meeting.

(Edited 4/18/14 to add photos.)