
Students to Present at Celebration of Undergraduate Research

Hampton Group students Scott Joffre, Jacob Kelley, Brittany Devlin, Forest Rulison, and Kamaron Wilcox will present their research from the summer of 2018 at Hope College’s Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity on Friday, April 12. Their work will be highlighted by the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute as projects that […]

Students to Present at Celebration of Undergraduate Research

Hampton Group students Scott Joffre and Amanda Rensmo wil present their research from the summer of 2017 at Hope College’s Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research & Creative Performance on Friday, April 13. Their work will be highlighted by the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute as projects that relate to sustainability in the category […]

Students to Present at Celebration of Undergraduate Research

Hampton Group students Benjamin Peecher, Rylan Prafke, Anna Lunderberg, and Scott Joffre wil present their research from the summer of 2016 at Hope College’s Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research & Creative Performance on Friday, April 21. Their work will be highlighted by the Holland-Hope College Sustainability Institute as projects that relate to […]

Students Presented at West Michigan Regional Undergraduate Science Research Conference

Hampton Group students Rylan Prafke, Anna Lunderberg, and Scott Joffre attended the West Michigan Regional Undergraduate Science Research Conference held at Van Andel Institute in Grand Rapids, MI on Saturday, November 5. The students presented posters on their ongoing research from the Summer of 2016. See all upcoming Hampton Group […]

Students to Present at APS March Meeting

Hampton Group students Benjamin Peecher and Daniel Clark will attend the American Physical Society’s March Meeting 2016 in Baltimore, MD from March 13 to 17 along with Jennifer Hampton. Ben and Dan will present posters on their current research. Jennifer Hampton will also present a talk on the group’s research. (Edited 5/10/16 […]